Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Photo scavenger hunt

So for each collage and each photo I would like to share what it represents, and briefly why I chose the photo. 
1) Alone- this frame is of one of my favourite passages in the bible to read when I feel alone Psalm 69 
2) Love- the second frame is by far my favourite picture I took while in Kenya. This picture reminds me what love really is, and how great love should be. 
3) close-up- this another photo taken in Kenya and I just thought it was an interesting perspective of some wooden giraffes that you would see all over the country. 
4) Hate- this is a graphic I created and basically it states the one thing I hate which is injustice. 27 million is tw number of people who are currently enslaved and that is a number is despise. 
5) Metaphoto- this is a shot of my album cover from the first Love, Praise, Serve CD I made, which is a huge accomplishment and pride of mine. 

1) Friendship- these are some of my most dear friends that I met while in Kenya. I chose this for friendship because I felt that friendship should not depend on distance. 
2) Black and white- my thinking on this photo was what better photo to select than a zebra! I took this picture on safari and just fell in love with it ever since.
3) Passion- for me I think this picture is simple yet encompasses my passion, helping other less fortunate than me but doing that through love, and acts of kindness. 
4) Silhouette- This is yet another picture from my journey to Kenya. If you look closely you can see the outline of the beautiful trees in the Massai Mara, one of the most awe filled moments I've experienced. 
5) Reflection- when I saw the word reflection I thought that I would take it literally as well as symbolic me. This photo is of me looking at myself the way I ideally would like to see myself. I want myself to be the reflection of God's love on earth. 

1) Symbolism- this photo is of a wooden cross and as a Christian the cross is a symbol of many things like love, hope, sacrifice, and it reminds me of Jesus's love for me.
2) Metaphoto/Family- this is a Metaphoto of my family on my Dad's side at our annual New Years Eve party. 
3) Words- these words were written by a young Kenyan girl to motivate her self during the school day, I felt it was inspiring to see such truth in someone with so little. 
4) When I was little- this was a picture of my siblings (minus one who was not born yet). 

1) Talent- I would consider music to be a talent of mine, so I thought this photo of guitar chords would be a good depiction of music. 
2) Confession- I have a slight love for Starbucks... So much so that I am a proud owner of this gold card. 
3) Past- this is a photo from our band trip to Cuba last year. I used this as a past photo because I have grown so much since this moment. 

1) Future- I am not 100% clear on how I see my future but I know I see it as loving God and loving people, so I think these words are an accurate representation of that. 
2) Metaphoto- This photo is of my second family, my small group from church. There is no replacement for these people. 
3) Words/Silhouette- this is really a filler photo but it still has a special place in my heart. Spelling Kenya out while watching the sunrise.

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