Sunday, 20 April 2014

He is risen

So today is Easter. I think Easter has really changed over my lifetime. As time goes by it seems as though this Easter weekend has turned into just another long weekend. For me Easter is the single best day of the year. Easter is not the best day because I get an extra day off, because my grandma got me a Starbucks giftcard, or because of all the food I know I will be consuming tonight. Easter is what it is because today Jesus stomped on the grave and conquered death. Like it's hard to keep quiet on this holiday when really it is the ultimate joy for a Christ follower. My creator came to earth to live with his creation. He lived a perfect life, one that was admirable at the least. Then he willingly took on the most painful death any human could imagine. He hung on a cross besides broken people like myself, and declared that "it is finished." Someone who was perfect died for my imperfection. Three days later they went to check the tomb where Jesus was buried but it was empty. He was dead but then he was alive. I don't know about you but this story kind of blows my mind. Firstly because it's crazy that the creator of everything ever even had a desire to have a relationship with me, so much so that he would take the punishment for all my faults forever. Like it doesn't even make sense. But that's the point. Grace doesn't make sense, it's not supposed to. I don't have all the answers, and I don't why some thing are the way they are. But I know that I have a God that loves me so much that he would die to have a relationship with me, and that is the ultimate gift. That's why I celebrate today. This whole "Christianity" thing has rocked my world, this whole following Jesus thing has given me the most blessing of a life. Times may not always be easy, but I know for a fact that from start to finish God has my best interest in mind, and I will follow him. Christ is risen; He's risen indeed. 

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