Tuesday 10 June 2014

My Buried Life: Authors Note

Everything starts with something, and something starts with you. As an 18 year old pondering through my desires and goals for this God given life it's mind blowing to think about what I could do when the sky is the limit. My name is Micayla McNaughtan and ahead you will experience a small glimpse into the hopes and desires I have for this life. Over the past week I've been sifting through, and stressing about filling this bucket list of my greatest desires. Right now as a student anxiously waiting to graduate, but yet feeling burdened about what life will bring next it's hard to fathom what the decades ahead of me will look like. Will I travel? Will I go back to school? Will I get married? Will I start a family? Right now I've only experienced a few puzzle pieces in this life and God only knows what the whole picture will bring. I came to the realization that I don't need to fill this list right now because just as I will change in the future so will this list. One day this list may also belong to my husband, or children, and the adventures we achieve together will be equally as amazing as the ones up head. Right now, this list belongs to Micayla, the 18 year old who longs to help others, who will stop at nothing to shine the light of Jesus, and who loves to be crazy, random, and carefree all in her perfectly unique way. This collection of goals ranges from something a simple as planting a tree, to items that I can only imagine in my craziest dreams like raising $10 000 to build a school. No matter how I or this list change in the future I know that I will be doing two things for the rest of my life, loving God, and loving people. Whatever the waves of life churn at me next, I will still always be Micayla. 

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